This my friends is what remains of the cushion that almost burned our house down. We had gone to see a movie and one of the kids had been tossing the pillows around and it ended up landing against our gas fireplace. When we came home the house was entirely filled with smoke and I took the kids away from the house and Justin ran thru it trying to see what was on fire. He found the cushion smouldering... if we had been gone a minute or two longer it would have reached the carpet and that would have been the beginning of the end of our house. We were so blessed that night! Now our house just smells like burnt marshmallows :o)
Here's a mug shot of Austin with his new braces. I'll take a more flattering one later... but he's really happy to be doing something about his teeth.
oh my gosh!! wow u guys are blessed!! Stupid pillow, geez!! And Austin is just so dang handsome with braces!
How bageezes! I am so glad that you guys {and your house} are ok! That is so scary. Bless your cotton pickin hearts and burnt marshmallow smelling house. Wow. Austin...lookin good my man! All the girls are going to be following you around like puppy dogs! Love you guys!
Mandie--Update your blog right now! I can't stand it anymore!
I love your Blog. Though you don't always keep it up, I love seeing the pictures and what you have shared. We love you all and hope that summer has been good and you are ready for the cooler weather coming. Wish we could be there. love, mom
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